
Fame | Datto (company) net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How about Datto (company)'s revenue?

Datto (company) Revenue: 507million USD (2020)

How about Datto (company)'s number_of_employe?

Datto (company) Number_of_employe: 1,743 (December 2020)

How about Datto (company)'s ceo?

Datto (company) Ceo: Tim Weller (Jan 8, 2019)

How about Datto (company)'s founded?

Datto (company) Founded: 2007

How about Datto (company)'s founder?

Datto (company) Founder: Austin McChord

How about Datto (company)'s parent organization?

Datto (company) Parent organization: Vista Equity Partners, Merritt Holdco, Inc.

How about Datto (company)'s technical support phone?

Datto (company) Technical support phone: 1 (877) 455-6015

What does Datto Inc do?

Datto's corporate headquarters are based in Norwalk, Connecticut. The company also has several other offices around the globe, in addition to its fleet of data centers. Datto has been based in Norwalk since its founding in 2007.

Who is Datto owned by?

Datto's corporate headquarters are based in Norwalk, Connecticut. The company also has several other offices around the globe, in addition to its fleet of data centers. Datto has been based in Norwalk since its founding in 2007.

How much did Datto sell for?

Datto's corporate headquarters are based in Norwalk, Connecticut. The company also has several other offices around the globe, in addition to its fleet of data centers. Datto has been based in Norwalk since its founding in 2007.

Where is Datto based?

Datto's corporate headquarters are based in Norwalk, Connecticut. The company also has several other offices around the globe, in addition to its fleet of data centers. Datto has been based in Norwalk since its founding in 2007.


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-08-30