
Fame | Francis Chan net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Francis Chan? When is Francis Chan's birthday? Where is Francis Chan born? Where did Francis Chan grow up from? What's Francis Chan's age?

Francis Chan Born: August 31, 1967 (age 55years), San Francisco, California, United States

Is Francis Chan married? When did Francis Chan get married? Who's Francis Chan's married to? (Who's Francis Chan's husband / wife)?

Francis Chan Spouse: Lisa Chan (m. 1994)

How about Francis Chan's parents?

Francis Chan Parents: Wan-bing Mui, Pak-Sum Chan

How about Francis Chan's sibling?

Francis Chan Sibling: Paul Chan

Does Francis Chan have any children? What are the names of Francis Chan's children? What are the ages of Francis Chan's children?

Francis Chan Children: Ezekiel Chan

How about Francis Chan's nationality?

Francis Chan Nationality: American, Hong Kong

Is Francis Chan Catholic?

Author and speaker Francis Chan accompanied our team to the Utah wilderness to film Jesus's Farewell Message, a deep dive into Jesus's last sermon before his crucifixion.

How rich is Francis Chan?

Author and speaker Francis Chan accompanied our team to the Utah wilderness to film Jesus's Farewell Message, a deep dive into Jesus's last sermon before his crucifixion.

Does Francis Chan have children?

Author and speaker Francis Chan accompanied our team to the Utah wilderness to film Jesus's Farewell Message, a deep dive into Jesus's last sermon before his crucifixion.

Where did Francis Chan film Jesus's farewell message?

Author and speaker Francis Chan accompanied our team to the Utah wilderness to film Jesus's Farewell Message, a deep dive into Jesus's last sermon before his crucifixion.


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-02-02