
Fame | J.T. Ellison net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How about J.T. Ellison's genr?

J.T. Ellison Genr: Mystery, Thriller, Suspense

How about J.T. Ellison's spous?

J.T. Ellison Spous: Married

How old is J.T. Ellison? When is J.T. Ellison's birthday? Where is J.T. Ellison born? Where did J.T. Ellison grow up from? What's J.T. Ellison's age?

J.T. Ellison Born: Orlando, FL

How about J.T. Ellison's education?

J.T. Ellison Education: Randolph College

How about J.T. Ellison's nominations?

J.T. Ellison Nominations: Audie Award for Thriller/Suspense, RITA Award for Best Romantic Suspense

What order should I read J.T. Ellison books?

J.T. Ellison is a New York Times bestselling author known for her gripping mystery novels. She's authored several series in order, including thrillers set in Nashville and others featuring the character Alex Kava.

What is J.T. Ellison's real name?

J.T. Ellison is a New York Times bestselling author known for her gripping mystery novels. She's authored several series in order, including thrillers set in Nashville and others featuring the character Alex Kava.

What kind of books does JT Ellison write?

J.T. Ellison is a New York Times bestselling author known for her gripping mystery novels. She's authored several series in order, including thrillers set in Nashville and others featuring the character Alex Kava.


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-09-30