
Fame | Jean Segura net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Jean Segura? When is Jean Segura's birthday? Where is Jean Segura born? Where did Jean Segura grow up from? What's Jean Segura's age?

Jean Segura Born: 1990 (age 33years), San Juan Province, Dominican Republic

Does Jean Segura have any children? What are the names of Jean Segura's children? What are the ages of Jean Segura's children?

Jean Segura Children: Janniel Segura

How tall is Jean Segura in meters or centimeters?

Jean Segura Height: 5 10

How about Jean Segura's number?

Jean Segura Number: 2 (Philadelphia Phillies / Shortstop), MORE

How about Jean Segura's salary?

Jean Segura Salary: 6.5million USD (2023)

How about Jean Segura's position?

Jean Segura Position: Shortstop, Infielder, Third baseman

How about Jean Segura's picked date?

Jean Segura Picked date: 2023 (Miami Marlins), MORE

Did Jean Segura get released?

married to his wife, Kellen. The couple has three sons; Juan Diego, Giancarlo and Jacob... Hobbies include playing dominoes and driving his dune buggy.

What is going on with Jean Segura?

married to his wife, Kellen. The couple has three sons; Juan Diego, Giancarlo and Jacob... Hobbies include playing dominoes and driving his dune buggy.

How many home runs does Jean Segura have this year?

married to his wife, Kellen. The couple has three sons; Juan Diego, Giancarlo and Jacob... Hobbies include playing dominoes and driving his dune buggy.

Is Jean Segura married?

married to his wife, Kellen. The couple has three sons; Juan Diego, Giancarlo and Jacob... Hobbies include playing dominoes and driving his dune buggy.


Larita Shotwell

Update: 2024-02-20