
Fame | Justin Gatlin net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How about Justin Gatlin's retir?

Justin Gatlin Retir: 2022

How old is Justin Gatlin? When is Justin Gatlin's birthday? Where is Justin Gatlin born? Where did Justin Gatlin grow up from? What's Justin Gatlin's age?

Justin Gatlin Born: 1982 (age 41years), Brooklyn, New York, NY

Is Justin Gatlin married? When did Justin Gatlin get married? Who's Justin Gatlin's married to? (Who's Justin Gatlin's husband / wife)?

Justin Gatlin Spouse: Daynise Gatlin

How about Justin Gatlin's parents?

Justin Gatlin Parents: Willie Gatlin, Jeanette Gatlin

How tall is Justin Gatlin in meters or centimeters?

Justin Gatlin Height: 6 1

How about Justin Gatlin's weight?

Justin Gatlin Weight: 176lbs

How about Justin Gatlin's olympic medal?

Justin Gatlin Olympic medal: Athletics at the 2016 Summer Olympics Men's 100 metres, MORE

Who is faster Usain Bolt or Justin Gatlin?

Justin Gatlin - 9.74 seconds (100m dash)

Gatlin is one of the top ten high-speed runners globally, with a world record of 9.74 seconds in the 100m. He won the Olympic 100m title in 2004 and was the world champion in both 2015 and 2017.

Did Justin Gatlin take testosterone?

Justin Gatlin - 9.74 seconds (100m dash)

Gatlin is one of the top ten high-speed runners globally, with a world record of 9.74 seconds in the 100m. He won the Olympic 100m title in 2004 and was the world champion in both 2015 and 2017.

What did Justin Gatlin test positive for?

Justin Gatlin - 9.74 seconds (100m dash)

Gatlin is one of the top ten high-speed runners globally, with a world record of 9.74 seconds in the 100m. He won the Olympic 100m title in 2004 and was the world champion in both 2015 and 2017.

What is the speed of Justin Gatlin?

Justin Gatlin - 9.74 seconds (100m dash)

Gatlin is one of the top ten high-speed runners globally, with a world record of 9.74 seconds in the 100m. He won the Olympic 100m title in 2004 and was the world champion in both 2015 and 2017.


Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-10-02