Kelly Osbourne Weight Loss Secrets Tells Self How She Lost 70 Lbs Hollywood Life
Kelly Osbourne’s Weight-Loss Secrets Revealed
“I’m the most secure and content I’ve ever been,” Kelly admits. “Though I’m still very self-deprecating: I look in the mirror sometimes and I feel like going back to bed. Everyone has good days, everyone has bad days.”
The secret to her svelte figure? Hard work.
“I get in a solid half hour of cardio daily, usually intervals on the treadmill, and whatever else I feel like that day — weights, yoga or pilates.”
But her favorite exercise is having fun!
“I have a Hoopnotica hula hoop. I use it every day, and it’s made my back and arms stronger, and my waist has gone down two inches! On Saturday nights my friends and I put on ridiculous outfits and hula-hoop and dance when everyone else is at ‘da club.’ We call it #HipHopAnonymous. Adam Lambert is in it. We live in the same building, and random people show up. The next morning you’re like, ‘Oh, my God, I’m so sore,’ but you had the best night ever!”
Though she sometimes gives into her cravings, she says she eats healthier as the day goes on.
“I eat my fattiest meal in the a.m. If I’m craving pizza, I’ll have it for breakfast, salad for lunch, and oatmeal for dinner.”
How Kelly Stays Motivated
“I call myself a former fat person, and when you’re an FFP, you still see yourself as the person you used to be. That’s something I’m genuinely working on all the time. I’ve learned how to eat right and look after myself. Also, I don’t weigh myself. If you like what you see in front of the mirror, then what’s the f—ing point of getting on a scale?”
“I don’t compare myself to anybody else. It’s OK to have a healthy envy and look up to somebody and set goals, but you have to realize that you’re never going to be exactly that person. Wishing you were Angelina Jolie or J.Lo isn’t going to change the fact that you’re not. Why not start working with what you do have instead of what you don’t?”
Kelly Relies On Friends & Family For Support
“I’m lucky because my friends are really supportive. I got the Nike+ FuelBand, and now we’re all in competition with one another. It forces you to work out because you don’t want anyone to see that you didn’t. I also have plank-offs with my athlete friends to see who can hold it the longest. My record is 7 1/2 minutes, and I beat a bloody Olympic silver medalist!”
“The only thing I can be is me. I’m not perfect. I make mistakes. And my body is not perfect, either, but I love it. It will never be perfect, and I do not want it to be. That’s so boring!”
Are you inspired by Kelly’s weight loss, HollywoodLifers?
— Dory Larrabee
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