Fame | Ricardo Duarttee net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024
Ricardo Duarttee Weight: 83 kg (183 lb; 13 st 1 lb)
How old is Ricardo Duarttee? When is Ricardo Duarttee's birthday? Where is Ricardo Duarttee born? Where did Ricardo Duarttee grow up from? What's Ricardo Duarttee's age?
Ricardo Duarttee Born: 1998 (age 25years)
Ricardo Duarttee Height: 5 7
Former Stellenberg High School rugby player, Ricardo \u201cRicky\u201d Duarttee is living the life he envisioned nearly three years ago, when he was up training at 4am during the national Covid lockdown.
Martina Birk
Update: 2024-09-03