War Of the Worlds 2 Cast See Photos Hollywood Life
‘The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2’ is the 34th season of the hit MTV series, ‘The Challenge.’ This season, which premieres Aug. 28, 2019, the players are split into two teams — one from the United States and the other from the United Kingdom. Four contestants — C.T. Tamburello, Turbo Camikiran, Dee Nguyen and Natalie Duran — will serve as ‘reinforcements,’ who start out on NEITHER team. Instead, the team who wins the first challenge of the show will get first pick of which reinforcement they want on their side. The players are battling it out for their share of a $1 million prize. The battle between the U.S. and U.K. players began during season 33, ‘War of the Worlds,’ during which the British alliance — made up of mostly rookie players — took a stand against the vets. Now, we’ll get to see which country REALLY has the best challengers on their side! Keep clicking through the gallery to check out the cast members of ‘The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2.’